Our expertise was vital when helping to fly 245 passengers from New York to California at short notice.

Last-minute flight for large group of students

We were asked to help arrange a last-minute flight for 245 students and educational staff, who were travelling from New York to California. Aircraft availability was limited with just two weeks to go until the group needed to depart, so we needed to think outside the box to pull off the client’s first charter with us.

We initially wanted to charter a wide-body aircraft, but found none were available at such short notice. Our experts instead decided to split the 245 passengers between two narrow-body planes, before sourcing a Boeing B737 and an Airbus A319 from different operators. The smaller aircrafts’ reduced payload presented an additional challenge. We resolved this by arranging for one charter to depart from JFK Airport, while the other aircraft flew from Westchester with a fuel stop en route.

Our Solution

Route: New York City/Westchester > Oakland

Aircraft: Boeing B737, Airbus A319

The Finer Details

Industry Contacts: Utilising our strong relationships with local operators, we were able to source viable options for this request and hold availability until the client confirmed.

Rapid Response: Our fast-moving team confirmed both aircraft within 24 hours of deciding to use narrow-body planes.

Flight Representation: We were onsite at JFK to assist with ground handling and ensure the flight departed smoothly.


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