A French businessman’s personal assistant asked us to help plan his air travel for a multi-stop round-trip to buy art in Italy.

Helping a businessman shop for art in Italy

A French fashion businessman’s personal assistant asked us to help plan a multi-stop round-trip to Italy in the summer of 2023. The client was collecting an art expert from the UK before continuing to Italy to purchase art for his personal collection. The nature of the trip meant we didn’t have advance confirmation of the quantity and size of artwork travelling on the return leg, so we needed an aircraft that could load a range of cargo.

Our Solution

Route: Quimper > London > Rome > Milan > Quimper > London

Aircraft: Pilatus PC-24

Our experienced team reached out to local operators and quickly sourced a Pilatus PC-24 with availability on the requested dates.

The aircraft has a distinctively large cargo door that can accommodate a large amount of cargo, giving the client peace of mind that he’d be able to transport all his purchases back to Paris.

The Finer Details

Rapid Response: We were able to offer several possible solutions within an hour of receiving the request.

Hotel Suites: The client wanted to book his entire trip through us, so our private jet division arranged the aircraft charter while ACS’s Travel Division reserved accommodation and car rentals in Italy.

Buying Power: Having strong relationships with hotel partners allowed us to secure luxury suites despite it being peak season.


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